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Donate to our Location Costs campaign page on IndieGoGo!


Masked is scheduled to be filmed in late May and all through June in 2015.  Since this show is presented in a traditional third-person format, it will use quite a few more locations than the web series you may be familiar with (such as The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, in which a large part of the action takes place in Lizzie Bennet's bedroom).  We are very, very excited about this opportunity to tell our story in an open medium that promises to be full of possibilities!  Pre-production is nearly finished, and we've secured several locations for filming already.  However, we're running into costs that are greater than what we'd originally budgeted.  Because we're committed to filming this show in the best and most professional way possible, we'd really like to be able to film in multiple locations-- both indoors and outdoors! And that's where you wonderful people come in.


  • We're trying to raise enough funds to pay for two locations in particular that will require a good bit of prep work and set dressing for those involved.  One of these is a working business that has been kind enough to let us use their storefront for several scenes, but to do so is pricey! An employee has to be paid to remain on the premises, utilities have to be covered, etc. 

  • If we reach our goal of $650, we'll be able to cover the costs of filming in those locations, as well as have a little extra for incidental expenses that may crop up in the meantime.


If you are interested in helping make this project a reality, please visit our IndieGoGo campaign page to donate and pass on our info to your friends!  Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.

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